Saturday 8 August 2009

Bad design gets you more traffic...

...but perhaps annoyed traffic.

If anyone out there is like me (perhaps they are not, it is entirely possible) then they will have, at some point, gone on the search for and found a great tutorial/article about something they need to do.

They'll then, perhaps, read it through & think they've got it sussed, only to find themselves 5 minutes later re-googling the same thing to get back to that self same page because they've forgotten a vital detail.

Imagine that the pertinent information is on page 5/5, imagine the navigation is so ill-considered and non-re-factored (pre-factored?) that there is no way to go from page 1 to page 5 without clicking next 4 times.

This is highly annoying, but the content is strong, so you do it. Perhaps not 10 times, but then again, perhaps you are that forgetful.

What does this do for the developer of the site you're using? Piss you off with them ...for sure. Make their boss 5 x more happy with the analytics figures? sure that too. grrrrr.

UPDATE: yes, I am aware of the existence of back buttons, browser history, bookmarks and having a short term memory.

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